Friday, May 15, 2009

What is a low-impact cardio blast workout?

Here is my thought about low impact cardio blast workout.

As soon as someone mentions cardio workout we all think about the treadmill. The treadmill is a good cardio work out which has high impact on the joints. A low impact cardio blast workout essentially concentrates on keep the heart rate elevated without jarring your joints. Hence it is called a low impact cardio blast. While there are a few machines that can give you a low impact cardio work out like an elliptical with mobile handle bars, for me essentially a cardio blast workout would be some thing on the lines of an aerobic workout.

Aerobics keep your heart rate up and pumping while at the same time they are easy on your joints. This is also probably a good way to get a cardio workout because your body uses more resources to pump you up to that level and then down again.

While you are on a treadmill or any other machine you are probably not using most of your upper body that way you are probably working your legs way too much than any other part like say your arms or your back or even your abs.

In an aerobic or a low impact workout there is no primary target area that you are working on it is more like a total body work out. Aerobic exercises done this way, have minimal breaks in between and keep the heart rate elevated so that you are making the optimal use of all your energy resources . The body needs energy to accelerate and decelerate, so even while you are cooling down you are dipping into your energy resources.

If you are into fitness and health then you might not be new to this kind of training. If you are a beginner then take short one minute breaks in between your circuits. Circuit training with cardio workouts is one good way of getting the desired results in lesser time than with a regular high impact cardio workout.

It is easy to get dehydrated during these routines so see that you are adequately hydrated. The exercises are easy on the joints but are hard on the heart and can get your sweat glands going. If you are starting out and are a beginner with any health conditions talk to your doctor.

Monitor and modify your intensity based on your body type and how your body responds to a workout. If you experience soreness in the initial stages then take a break till your body readjusts but at the same time do not leave a huge gap between one session and another.

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